Enrolment at Hay Park
Enrolment Zone
The Ministry of Education has directed Hay Park School to have an enrolment zone. We accept those in zone. We are also currently accepting enrolments for out-of-zone students.
How to Enrol Your Child
We welcome you to enrol your child at Hay Park School at any time of the year. We accept children from Year 1 to Year 6, aged 5 years to 11 years old, in zone and out of zone.
We have regular open mornings in Week 5 once a term. Contact the office for the next open day date. If you wish to have a school tour please contact the school office. If you are planning to enrol your five year old, we encourage you to enrol them four weeks before their fifth birthday. We plan at least three school visits for children who are going to start in the new entrants class, so they can get familiar with their classroom and teacher before they start school.
To get an enrolment pack, please visit the school office. Or you can download the enrolment form here. School uniform and stationery information are found here under Parent Information. Please note that all new enrolled students and families will meet with the Associate Principal or Principal prior to starting. Arrange an appointment with our school office to meet with the Associate Principal/SENCO regarding learning support needs or behavioural issues before they start and ensure this is noted on the enrolment form.
Complete the enrolment form and return it to the school office with relevant documents. All these documents can be scanned and sent to the office - office@haypark.school.nz or you can bring them into the school office. Please note that we will need to sight and photocopy original documents.
If your child was born in New Zealand you will need to bring their:
Birth certificate
B4 School Check certificate
Immunisation certificate (if immunised)
If your child was born overseas, you will need to bring:
Their passport
Your passport
Immunisation certificate (if immunised)
If you have any questions please visit the school office or call 09 625 9531 or email office@haypark.school.nz